Business Rates

All commercial rateable values are reviewed upwards or downwards every 5 years in the Quinquennial Rating Review. The next review will take place in 2015 at which time the rateable value of your business may change. The government are suggesting they may extend the current review periods to 2017.
Are your business rates too high?
Rates can be challenged in the following circumstances:
- Changes in occupation if there has been no previous challenge
- Material changes in circumstances, usually nearby building works or construction projects (such as major development by highway works)
- When it is appropriate to amalgamate, apportion or re-apply rateable value to reflect changes in occupation (i.e. You take on the property next door, the assessment should be joint)
Business rates are payable by virtually all occupiers of premises and most owners of empty commercial property. Quintons can help owners and occupiers of commercial property to minimise their liability in respect of rates.